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Sprongo video review system

Posted by Ronan Mac Con on Dec 16 2021 at 07:15PM PST in 2021-2022

Hello all,

  • I have just been informed we have a new video review system for our athletes!

1 account per athlete ONLY. It is best the athlete signs up so they have access with their personal
- www.sprongo.com
- Create an account
- Join: whistler mountain ski club wmsc (please only athletes join as we have a limit on accounts with the
- You will then find videos from during the season in play lists
- Look for u14 in the labeled playlist to find your video.

Also since we are now back in the gates again (YAY!) please have a read of the article below, he has some interesting insights for ski racing parents as well.



Ronan Mac Con
U14 Lead